Read Stull’s book chapter on General Circulation


This is a long chapter (~60 pages) but it is worth reading it. Sections 1 - 7 are essential for your understanding, before you have some idea on designing the mesh and the configuration for running a simulation of synoptic circulation (global-scale circulation).


Read and follow the instructions in CPAS User Guide:


Alternatively, watch the video in the CPAS blog:


Make two customized meshes for the purposes:

1. Simulation of synoptic scale circulation in the North Hemisphere.

2. Provision of 4 km resolution gridded direct model output weather data for your home city. (“Direct model output” is a term used in the weather forecasting community - Post-processing using statistical methods are often used as a downstream step to adjust NWP model’s output for specific station locations - hence the output data of a NWP model is often called direct model output. They are useful for applications like driving an air quality model.)


Trial and error, or make a sensible estimation of resolution and region size, with the resources and privilege available to use.


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